This was my first dreamboard. In high school, a motivational speaker named Ed Gerety told me it’s statistically proven if you have a visual reminder of your goals to look at every day, you’re more likely to accomplish them. So, I make a dreamboard every year of things I want to see happen in my life, and a surprising amount have already been accomplished. Some things on my dreamboard will happen within a year, others might take 10. The one thing in they all have in common however, is that there's no doubt in my mind that every single one of these goals will be accomplished.
I first heard Ed during a national leadership conference in North Carolina, and then again when he came to Oregon to speak at the Oregon Association of Student Councils (OASC) statewide conference. He has undoubtedly changed my life, and helped me become the individual I am today. A few summers ago, I had an opportunity to be a counselor at the summer camp for OASC, which I jumped at. I begged the staff to incorporate dreamboards into camp, and they agreed. So, for the last two years, all 200+ high school students who attend camp make dreamboards, which to me is simply humbling. I hope that in my life I can inspire someone the way others like Ed have done for me, and make a difference so big that they'll want to pass that passion on to someone else .
Here's the full list, stuff that has been done has a star by it. Some things on the board have changed as the things I want from life are always evolving, but I've decided that as long as I have made the decision that something is not going to get done because it's no longer a goal of mine, and not because I dont think I'm capable, it's okay to let that go. I think thats an important realization to come to so that I'm not kicking myself if I dont get everything on there accomplished, and that I don't become hesitant to put anything on there for fear my desire to do it might change.
-Write a book
*Buy a piano
-See Taj Mahal
-Travel the World
-Be a motivational speaker
*Be an influential community member
*Have someone tell me I'm their role model
-Be someone's one phonecall
*Learn "Own Me" on the piano
-Learn "Fantaise Impromptu" on the piano
*Sell a peice of my art
*Take an art class
*Hear myself on the radio
-Hold a koala
*Record a CD
-Graduate college with a 3.5 or higher
-Sing at Radio City
-see my star
-learn to speak greek
*fall in love
-ride a hot air balloon
-See the pyramids
-buy a house
-pay for college
-sing the national anthem at the superbowl
*take a photography class.
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